
Mobile Guardian Appointed Official Singapore MOE Vendor

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
Mobile Guardian Appointed Official Singapore MOE Vendor

Parent-teacher collaboration is not a new term. However, learning from home and virtual classrooms are becoming increasingly familiar terms, but it doesn’t mean that the approach is comfortable just yet. Luckily, with the support of good parent-teacher collaboration, overcoming some of the challenges that come with the rapid shift of adapting to online learning can be as easy as ABC. With many parents working from home, there’s a need to share the “working” space with their children who are attending virtual lessons.

The benefits of a strong parent-teacher collaboration

There are powerful perks possible when it comes to a positive partnership between a parent and a teacher:

  • Additional support and mutual understanding of the challenges under remote circumstances (from both sides!).
  • The parent has better insight into what a child is learning and can assist the teacher by helping cement lessons passively outside of the remote classroom.
  • If a child is struggling, there is room for honest dialogue between the parent and teacher, which can help comfortably resolve issues.
  • It is better for the child’s ability to learn when there is a good relationship between their parents and teacher.

Mobile Guardian appointed as official mobile device management (MDM) services vendor by Singapore MOE for ChromeOS and iOS devices to be used in Singapore's schools.

[Singapore, November, 2020]: Mobile Guardian, the leading mobile device management (MDM) solution in the education sector has been selected as an official MDM vendor by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) for ChromeOS and iOS devices to be used in secondary schools. The provision of these devices across all secondary schools in the technologically-progressive nation supports Singapore’s aim of ensuring the country’s schools are digitally ready and able to withstand the challenges of remote learning.

Globally, Singapore is viewed as the leading education model in the region and is held in high-regard when it comes to technological innovation. In partnership with education technology specialist, GSA Education, Mobile Guardian was successful in securing the contract.

Mobile Guardian protects children online, whether at school or at home. The multi-OS platform enables schools to manage and secure thousands of mobile devices distributed to their pupils. As well as protecting children from online threats, teachers can view student screens, close distracting tabs and create focused environments on each device to ensure the best possible learning experience. Linked parental controls enable parents to take over when the device goes home.

Established in 2005, GSA Education empowers educators through technology. With an impressive footprint spanning seven countries in Asia, the company has extensive experience when it comes to education.

Mobile Guardian works with large schools in North America, Europe, the Middle East and the UK. Being awarded the contract highlights the company’s rapid expansion into Asia, and schools have already begun approaching Mobile Guardian to learn more.

“This is an incredible endorsement of the versatility, robustness and suitability of the Mobile Guardian product, as well as the tenacity and commitment of the team. We’re delighted to partner with GSA and honoured to be selected by the Ministry of Education in a country as progressive as Singapore. It is a significant high-note as we approach the end of an unprecedented year for education, and indeed the world at large.”

Patrick Lawson, CEO of Mobile Guardian

About Mobile Guardian

Mobile Guardian empowers schools to use mobile devices to teach students online safely and effectively. Used by schools around the globe, the cloud-based platform offers multi-OS support, classroom management tools, multi-school management, comprehensive web-filtering and linked parental controls.

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Robyn Hobson

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
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