
Top 5 trends in US EdTech

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
Top 5 trends in US EdTech

Mobile Guardian will be visiting the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) conference 2017 which is taking place in San Antonio on June 25th- 28th. With this exciting event taking place, we have been looking at the top 5 US EdTech trends in education at the moment.

Edtech is growing across the US with thousands of schools now investing in technological devices and hurtling towards a 1:1 ratio in the classroom. Predominantly, focused on higher education, EdTech is growing more popular across all K-12 educators.

In this blog, we’ll highlight the top trends in US Edtech right now.

BYOT (Bring your own tech)

BYOT is when schools allow students to use their own mobile device on the school wifi network. There is an increasing number of schools introducing BYOT due to the many advantages it brings to the classroom. BYOT enhances student engagement and learning as there are tons of educational apps to choose from. Not to mention costs are reduced using student owned devices as less resources and tech are needed. Here at Mobile Guardian, our mobile device management (MDM) can secure devices on the move with our geofencing technology to protect the device and its owner, whether it's on the school network, cellular or public Wi-Fi.

Chromebook domination

According to a new sales report, half of device sales in K-12 are for Chromebooks. This could be mostly due to cost, as some Chromebook models start from only $149, in comparison to the more costly iPad’s. Chromebooks also offer multi-user support which is useful for most schools as they normally need to share devices between students. Furthermore, Chromebooks come with G Suite for education which provides built in Docs, Slides, Hangouts and Sheets so there are no further costs or time wasted downloading software.

Google have developed the extensive Chrome web store which offers thousands of free, engaging education apps to support learning and retention. Mobile Guardian’s MDM manages Chromebooks and delivers a myriad of features to secure devices, keep students focused during lessons and simplify device management for the IT Department.

Teachers can digitally connect with students

Technology within schools can allow teachers to tailor learning to each student. Teachers can push out apps to help drive the curriculum and increase engagement, as well as provide support to students who need more focus. Communication via devices allows students to find non-verbal ways of participating in each lesson meaning students who are less likely to interact within the classroom can now contribute more to the lesson. Also, teachers can now send curriculum and feedback to students to increase engagement and retention.

Equipping students for the future

There is a need for students to be equipped with IT skills and awareness of mainstream technology. Educators have realised it is crucial that the next generation are prepared for the modern workplace. Many US schools are working to enhance skills in creativity and technology, making sure students are ready for the workplace.

Increasing independent learning using Edtech

As Ed-tech increases in K-12, it is supporting more students with homework and coursework assignments without being constrained to the classroom or campus. Teachers and Educators can hand out projects that students can independently research digitally, using resources such as reference sites, online articles, apps, blogs and educational videos.

Technology gives students access to instant information and enables collaboration with peers, such as emailing, texting and video calling. Most schools will usually use BYOT however, many schools allow students to take school devices home with them for extra curriculum. Mobile Guardian’s MDM secures devices on the move using geofencing. This is automatically switching the state of the device to protect it and its owner, no matter if it is on the school’s network, mobile or public WI-FI.

If you need to manage your school devices, Mobile Guardian’s MDM is the perfect solution. Our school dashboard allows you to oversee and manage all school devices to ensure students and the device itself are safe and secure. To find out how our MDM can transform your school’s digital curriculum, take our free demo with one of our team members.

If you want to meet our Sales Team at ISTE to learn more about our Education focused MDM software, please get in touch.

Have a great ISTE!


Robyn Hobson

Team Mobile Guardian

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
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