
Managing Android devices in the classroom

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
Managing Android devices in the classroom

Children are familiar with mobile devices from practically the day they are born, so it’s no surprise they’ve found their way into the classroom. Many children in your school likely own an Android operated phone or tablet, which is why managing these devices in school is so important. But where do you start?

Embrace BYOD and start using the cloud

School-owned IT materials aren’t always up to date and can be costly to maintain. A “bring your own device” (BYOD) policy in class will ensure modern equipment is being used, while keeping maintenance costs for a school in check. In addition to BYOD, schools can use subscription-based cloud server and security solutions.

Turn your classrooms into smart classrooms

The next step is to reorganise the classroom. Physically reshuffle desks to ensure teachers can visually monitor how their students interact with their devices. This will help alleviate abuse and create more organic class interaction. Teachers should have software and security permissions in place to be efficient when managing Android devices in the classroom. With the right setup and tools, teachers School owned IT materials can digitally monitor what each child is doing at any given time. App blocker software for Android gives them control over app accessibility, for instance by temporarily shutting down device cameras. They can also remotely use other Android tablet management solutions from their own device.

Establish rules and policies

Children need to learn about the pitfalls and dangers of being active online. Managing Android devices in the classroom should involve blocking apps and monitoring activity – that is a given. But you can also do a lot of work in educating students on what is and what isn’t good online etiquette. Think of it as teaching children how to cross a digital street. In class, they can be made aware of certain pitfalls like:

Privacy and how they should take steps to protect it. The damage cyberbullying can cause. How malware can infiltrate devices and steal information. The dangers of inappropriate content containing violent, antisocial or sexual undertones.

You should also teach students about the advantages of using their Android devices correctly by:

Allowing the use of private devices in a school environment. Teaching how to conduct online research in class. Using appropriate educational apps. Allowing temporary online privileges as a reward for good behaviour.

Make use of existing tools

Teachers don’t need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to managing Android devices in the classroom. There are many effective Android apps out there that facilitate digital monitoring and education. This article lists 12 excellent ones, including:

ClassDojo Google Classroom Google Docs Google Drive Teacher Aide Pro

There are many useful resources online for teachers on how to properly use apps and devices in class, such as this one from EdTech Update.

Transcend the boundaries of school

The protection, monitoring and nurturing of your students’ online activities should not stop at the school gates. The control you gain through school management software and other digital solutions also benefit parents at home, who will know in real-time what their child is doing on the internet and receive instant feedback on how well they are performing in class.

We've also compiled useful articles on managing iPads and Chromebooks in class.

Trial the Mobile Guardian MDM platform

If you’d like to introduce connected devices into your school, Campus by Mobile Guardian is the perfect solution. This solution includes Classroom Management tools, Web Filtering and an MDM toolset to ensure your school is able to transform your mobile device investment, whatever the operating system of your mobile devices you're seeking to manage.


Robyn Hobson

Team Mobile Guardian

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
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