
The Transition to Remote Learning for a Senior Year Student

Panashe Goteka
Panashe Goteka
EdTech Advocate and Enthusiast with a Penchant for Community Building
The Transition to Remote Learning for a Senior Year Student

After completing her final year in school in a remote learning environment, Rebecca is now starting her first year of university remotely too. A challenging scenario but one I believe she’ll be able to embrace and overcome.

Rebecca Faith Espin was a sales executive intern who was recently a part of the team here at Mobile Guardian. Although 2020 was filled with so much disruption, Rebecca matriculated from Wynberg Girls high school. During her time working at Mobile Guardian, Rebecca was pursuing her Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management - which she is now doing full-time.

She is the youngest of three sisters, always quick to smile and offer a kind comment to her team - complemented with a great sense of humor. Rebecca is passionate about community building, cares deeply for animals, and has great compassion for those around her.


Q. What did you have for breakfast this morning?

For breakfast, I just had a little bit of muesli, a nice cup of tea, and a glass of water.

Q. What's usually your go-to breakfast meal?

My go-to breakfast meal would definitely be muesli and of course a cup of tea. You have to start a good day off with a nice cup of tea.

Q. It’s pretty obvious that you are a tea person- How do you like your tea?

I like my tea black, no sugar or milk. I’m a real tea drinker!

Q. Are you team Google or team Apple?

I would definitely have to say that I’m team Google. I feel like Google has endless options and they are very inclusive; accessible to almost everyone.

Q. What gadget would you say helped you get through Covid?

I would say my headphones definitely helped me get through the lockdown last year. I feel like sometimes or rather a lot of the times I just needed that noise blocker to block out any surrounding noises and distractions so that I could get down to business and focus on the task at hand.

Q. What are some of your interests?

I love reading books or listening to podcasts about people's success stories, particularly women and their journeys which led them to the position or place that they are in now. I just find it so inspiring and empowering to see what any individual can achieve if they put their mind to it.

“I love reading books or listening to podcasts about people's success stories, particularly women and their journeys which led them to the position or place that they are in now”

Q. How did you find finishing your final year of high school/matric during Covid?

Virtual learning is not the easiest especially when you are fairly new to this style of learning. I feel like one thing I did learn was that it's okay to make mistakes and get things wrong the first time.

There are also so many resources out there that are freely available for students facing similar challenges. There are so many people who have faced these challenges before and have overcome the challenge of learning virtually. These people also have great tips and tricks to help you navigate your way around the process of learning virtually.

“There are so many people who have faced these challenges before and have overcome the challenge of learning virtually. These people also have great tips and tricks to help you navigate your way around the process of learning virtually.”

Q. Is there anything that you would change about last year's virtual learning experience?

One thing that I would change was just my attitude and mindset during this time as for a while I just thought that I was alone during this transition when in fact I wasn’t. There were so many people around the world going through this. People who had to transition into virtual learning during these uncertain times and people who have done virtual learning by choice; that is able to give great advice, tips, and tricks that worked for them.

Q. Tell us a little bit about what you do at Mobile Guardian?

I work as a Sales Executive at Mobile Guardian. Which is pretty cool, the whole team and the working environment at Mobile Guardian is pretty amazing. I’m learning new tricks and skills here at Mobile Guardian.

Q. Describe the Mobile Guardian team in three words?

I would definitely have to say friendly, great sense of humor, and amazing.

Q. What inspires you when you are working?

I think it would definitely be a good motivating podcast. A good podcast with people giving great life advice, a motivational speech, or even good review on something helps me to focus and get down to business.

Q. What is your mantra for the year?

"You can't have growth without some failure along the way"

My mantra would definitely be a quote I read a while ago that said:

"You can't have growth without some failure along the way"

- and this applies to all aspects of life. Throughout our life, we will continue to make mistakes that we can always see as a learning curve to get to the right place or path that we want to be on in the end.

Thank you for your time and effort Rebecca and congratulations on successfully completing your final school year during the pandemic. We greatly appreciate the attitude and spirit that you brought to Mobile Guardian and how you contributed to our working environment.

All the best with your further studies and I’m looking forward to seeing all the great projects you bring to life!


Panashe Goteka

Team Mobile Guardian

Panashe Goteka
Panashe Goteka
EdTech Advocate and Enthusiast with a Penchant for Community Building
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