
Mobile Guardian & Christel House South Africa win 3 Gold Awards at the 2021 LearnX Awards!

Panashe Goteka
Panashe Goteka
EdTech Advocate and Enthusiast with a Penchant for Community Building
Mobile Guardian & Christel House South Africa win 3 Gold Awards at the 2021 LearnX Awards!

Mobile Guardian is thrilled to announce the arrival of our LearnX trophies!

Due to Mobile Guardian’s Device Management Application (DMA) software, combined with swift, and collaborative work with Christel House South Africa school in response to the covid-19 pandemic, Mobile Guardian has been awarded 3 Gold Awards at the prestigious LearnX!

LearnX, the largest technology awards programme in Asia, recognises innovation, new practices and technologies that drive talent development across numerous sectors, including Education. Previous winners include globally renowned brands such as Adobe, L’Oreal and Colgate.

At Mobile Guardian, we believe that hybrid learning is the future and that every student should have a protected and secure device in their hands. With this vision in mind, we worked hand-in-hand with Christel House South Africa to assist them in transition to a distance learning environment in 2020 using our Campus solution.

The result of our combined efforts is that the school was able to swiftly transition to remote learning with zero lesson days lost, and 3 Gold Awards in the Best Pandemic Response category at LearnX awards!

  1. Gold in Best Pandemic Response – Shift-It-Online
  2. Gold in Best Pandemic Response – Learning and Development
  3. Gold in Best Pandemic Response – Rapidly Shifted Online

Super School Spotlight

Christel House International is an organisation that seeks to break the cycle of poverty through education. As a non-profit organisation, the school offers no fees for education to their students, providing education and support throughout K-12.

The school is guided by the philosophy that all students have an innate ability to succeed and innate talents that can put them on a successful career path, regardless of their history or home environment. The school seeks to provide students with access to opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

We are proud of this amazing achievement and the opportunity to work alongside such an inspiring school. We greatly appreciate the amazing work of our product, development, sales and support teams for providing this exceptional, award-winning customer experience.

A Growing Presence in Asia

Mobile Guardian is delighted and honoured to be recognised at this level in Asia. We continue to grow with schools in Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines to name a few.

The team is working on some exciting projects in Asia and this award is a sure sign of the progress to come 🏆!


Panashe Goteka

Team Mobile Guardian

Panashe Goteka
Panashe Goteka
EdTech Advocate and Enthusiast with a Penchant for Community Building
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