
Managing mobile devices in the classroom

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
Managing mobile devices in the classroom

The days of students passing notes behind the teacher's back are in decline. Instead, they're using smartphones and iPads to send each other instant messages, tweets and snaps. While mobile devices have great potential for teachers in terms of supplementing their lessons with interactive tools and resources, they can just as easily fuel distraction. Without the right tools on hand to successfully manage mobile devices in the classroom, these distraction can lead students astray.

Here are four key tips for managing mobile devices in the classroom to help teachers create a safe, productive educational environment.

  1. Design an Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Devices in Your Classroom

First and foremost, it’s important to have an official Acceptable Use Policy for mobile devices in the classroom, during school hours and on campus. This will ensure that the students are aware of what they are and aren’t allowed to do, and give teachers leverage for disciplinary action should the need arise.

A comprehensive Acceptable Use Policy should cover topics like social media usage; plagiarism, piracy and copyright; internet content that is inappropriate or deemed unsafe; network security best practices, such as anti-malware and data protection on student devices; as well as disciplinary measures that students can expect if they fail to comply. The policy should also include day-to-day classroom usage, such as having students place their devices face down on their desks when the teacher asks for their attention.

  1. Make sure key staff know how to use devices

Teachers can’t be expected to enforce an Acceptable Usage Policy for mobile devices effectively if they don’t understand how their students’ devices work. Not only is it frustrating for the teacher, but such a knowledge gap will likely be identified and exploited by opportunistic students. Teachers should have access to comprehensive training that includes best practice for managing devices in the classroom, as well as how to use mobile technology effectively in an educational environment and recognise and navigate common applications used by students. Teachers should also take it upon themselves to learn key information online; there are many dedicated resources for teachers available, such as this collection from The Guardian.

  1. Move around the classroom during lessons

On a more practical note, teachers should structure lessons in a way that makes managing mobile devices in class easy. For example, by being active and walking around the classroom, teachers can keep an eye on their students and their mobile device habits. The key is to be unpredictable, as a student is more likely to err on the safe side if they’re not sure when their teacher will walk by them. Teachers should arrange the class so that it’s easy to move around and monitor their students, and so that there aren’t any blind spots.

  1. Invest in a Mobile Device Management system

Perhaps the most effective tip for managing mobile devices in the classroom is to invest in dedicated technological infrastructure; specifically, a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system. Using an MDM, teachers can supervise and control how their students use mobile devices in class and during school hours. By locking out applications that aren’t needed for class, like Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube, teachers can remove the temptation altogether.

With Manage by Mobile Guardian, you can manage thousands of 1:1 devices, quickly action tasks, set permissions and ensure device software is up to date. Cloud-based, multi-OS device management to make life easier

About Manging Multi-OS Environments

Regardless of the operating system your school or district have decided to opt for, gaining access to a single mobile device management system for your devices makes a world of sense.

Mobile Guardian not only provides educators with award-winning solutions and features, but our multi-OS platform allows for mix-device environments to thrive. Whether you still have legacy devices or just a mix of modern devices, Mobile Guardian is able to provide incredible consistency across these operating systems.

Whether it's the complete Google environment, and Chromebooks are the choice or whether the iOS flagship iPad is brightening the days of students and teachers alike. Additionally, there's always Android tablets that provide robust and reliable learning opportunities for educators.

Whatever the operating system, Mobile Guardian can elevate your learning environment - all from a single dashboard.


Robyn Hobson

Team Mobile Guardian

Managing Mobile Devices with Mobile Guardian

Mobile Guardian offers MDM that’s comprehensive, intuitive and easy to use. If you'd like to manage mobile devices in your classroom, book your free 14-day trial today.

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
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