
First time you've had mobile devices in your classroom?

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
First time you've had mobile devices in your classroom?

Teachers, welcome to 2019! Term has kicked off and it’s now time to get back into the swing of things. Has your school embraced edtech? Is this year the first time you've had mobile devices, like Chromebooks or tablets in your classroom? If so, this post offers up practical tips to help you out.

Educational technology, or edtech, is an increasingly important topic of conversation for all involved in education. Schools spend hours selecting a mobile device strategy that compliments their educational outcomes. Should a 1-on-1 strategy be implemented, or does a BYOD or shared device program make more sense? Teachers wonder how best to integrate mobile devices into their lesson plans and both have concerns about whether the chosen technology meaningfully adds to a students learning journey.

Wondering how to integrate mobile devices into your classes? Don't panic, there is tons of advice out there. Apart from the quick tips, you can also follow #edchat on Twitter. This group of teachers often has great edtech advice to share.

Our Top 6 Tips for Devices in the Classroom

  1. Rearrange the Classroom
  2. Teachers, like yourself, have suggested rearranging the classroom to make technology more accessible. The traditional classroom setup might not be the most effective one. For example tablets need to be stored somewhere and this space should be easily accessible. Rearrange the space until you get a setup that works for you and your students.
  1. Get some Apps
  2. Encourage students to explore learning through apps. There are a plethora of educational apps available that teachers can use to engage students. We’ve curated a list of useful iOS apps for STEM here. You can find a similar list for Android devices
    over here
  1. Always Evaluate your Edtech
  2. Before introducing new edtech into your classroom, ask whether it will add meaningful value to your students. Good educational technology should enhance your lessons and help students achieve their learning outcomes. There are a lot of appealing gadgets and software out there and it can be tempting to use it all. Draw up a framework to measure any incoming tech.
  1. Develop Quick Cues

Teachers say that quick cues are great for classes using Chromebooks or tablets. Develop a few phrases and use them often. This saves you having to repeat yourself over and over again. Here are a few useful phrases:

  • Flip
  • Flat
  • Close Apps
  • Eyes Up
  1. Embrace the tech

We noticed that many teachers felt intimidated by technology and were apprehensive about embracing it. Teachers, be bold! Try new things, explore technology and don’t be afraid to learn some new skills. We loved this teacher's post on her experience with edtech in the classroom. You’ll surprise yourself with how quickly you pick it up and it’ll be easier than you think.

  1. And if it's not working ...

Lastly, educational technology should be easy to use, save you time and engage your students in a meaningful way. If it isn't doing these things, chuck it in the bin. Speak to your school's I.T. buyer and work together to find technology that meets their needs, as well as yours.

Good luck and all the best for the school year,

Robyn Hobson

The Mobile Guardian Team

P.S. Tips to share?

If you have practical tips to add, let us know. We’d love to share them with other teachers who read our blog.

Robyn Hobson
Robyn Hobson
Advocate and leader of best practices in EdTech
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